About Tian Wilson

Born in West Virginia, raised in the Midwest, Tian Wilson left home early to begin her Inner and Outer Journeys. The Outer Journey has taken her from Hawaii to Maine as she learned to wear an array of different hats – from college student to healthcare worker to calligrapher to owner/creator of a therapeutic massage school, with numerous and diverse hats in between. Most recently she wears the hat stamped with “Life Coach” across the bill.


Her Inner Journeys have been stimulated by an array of teachers who challenged her to dig deep and uncover the Truth about this thing called Life. Encouraged to ask a billion questions and avoid saying, “I know” has fueled her passion to see that which longs to appear. This Journey provides a life rich in gifts of discovery, splashes of joy, and golden moments of a greater wisdom.   


Putting on her “Wordsmith” hat, she has woven a few of these gifts into her first book, offering them within an intriguing story about the interrelationships of animals, humans, and nature. In the book she returns to one of her favorite places in her Outer Journey ~ a tiny town in New Mexico. She is delighted you have joined her!

Copyright ©2022 by Tian Wilson.

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